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1. This website aims to provide more information for users, and its services are free.Anyone who logs in to this website or directly and indirectly uses the data of this website is deemed to voluntarily accept the constraints of this website statement.

2. This website contains a link to the external link to a third -party website. This website does not guarantee the accuracy and integrity of these external links.The content of any webpage that is not actually controlled by the external links does not indicate the views or opinions of this website, and this website is not responsible for its legitimacy and security, nor does it bear any legal responsibility.Users must bear all risks generated by visiting these third -party websites.

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5. When the government judicial organs disclose their personal data in accordance with the requirements of legal procedures, we will provide personal information based on the requirements of law enforcement units or to public safety.Any disclosure in this case, this website may be exempt.

6. When the administrative organs or judicial organs disclose their personal data in accordance with legal procedures, we will provide personal information based on their legal requirements or for public safety.Any disclosure in this case, this website may be exempt.


Website operation

1. When this website needs to suspend service due to system maintenance or upgrade, it will announce it in advance.If the suspension of service is caused by the hardware failure or other force majeure outside the control scope of the company and the company's control scope, all inconvenience and losses caused by the suspension of the service period are not responsible for this website.

2. Any personal data leakage, loss, stolen, or channeling caused by hacking of hacking, invasion of computer virus invasion or seizures, temporary shutdown caused by government control, etc. This website is not responsible for this websiteEssence


legal liability

1. When this website needs to suspend service due to system maintenance or upgrade, it will announce it in advance.If the suspension of service is caused by the hardware failure or other force majeure outside the control scope of the company and the company's control scope, all inconvenience and losses caused by the suspension of the service period are not responsible for this website.

3. Anyone who logs to this website or directly and indirectly uses the data of this website in any way is deemed to be voluntarily accepted the constraints of this website statement.

3. For issues that are not involved in this statement, please refer to relevant national laws and regulations. When this statement conflicts with national laws and regulations, it shall prevail on national laws and regulations.


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